Friday, December 16, 2011
Merry Christmas from Buckaroo Leather Products......
Watch this video of "Santa"s Helpers at Buckaroo Leather.............
"All of us at Buckaroo Leather Products wish you and all your Buckaroos a joyous Christmas. Meet the Buckaroo crew who enjoy crafting our quality American made horse tack and who look forward to serving you in 2012"
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Satisfied Owner of the AAA Wade Saddle from Buckaroo Leather
In case you all have not heard....Buckaroo Leather has the finest quality American made western saddle around!!!!!!

"I received my saddle a week ago after doing a lot of research, and shopping around, because I felt the saddle I have wasn't fitting my personal horse well as he has matured. After talking with John I was sold on this saddle and couldn't be happier. The saddle is quality from top to bottom, it has been comfortable from day one but getting even more so each day (used everyday since it came). The saddle fits my horse great, he seems more comfortable than he has in some time. I have received many compliments on its quality and craftsmanship. So glad I purchased this saddle, looking forward to using for many years, and will definitely return to Buckaroo Leather for my future quality tack needs. Remember buy AMERICAN you be won't be disappointed with this one. Thank You Buckaroo Leather staff". ...Jay Quinlan, Quinlan Performance Horses.
Thank you Jay!!!!............. Take a look at Jay's Saddle (pic above)
AAA Wade Buckaroo Ranch Saddle
Buckaroo Leather is proud to introduce our hand bench made Wade Post saddle. We have been working on this for awhile now with a saddle maker with over 25 years experience in saddle design, custom fitting of horse and rider, hand tooling, carving, and construction! SAVE $300.00 ON OUR INTRODUCTORY PRICE and FREE shipping.The materials which go into
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Thursday, December 8, 2011
When I am an Old Horsewoman....
When I am an old horsewoman
I shall wear turquoise and diamonds,
And a straw hat that doesn’t suit me
And I shall spend my social security on
white wine and carrots,
And sit in my alleyway of my barn
And listen to my horses breathe.
And ride the old bay gelding,
Across the moonstruck meadow
If my old bones will allow
And when people come to call, I will smile and nod
As I walk past the gardens to the barn
and show instead the flowers growing
inside stalls fresh-lined with straw.
as if it were a jewel
And I will be an embarrassment to all
Who will not yet have found the peace in being free
to have a horse as a best friend
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For the kind of woman I will be
By Patty Barnhart
Originally published in The Arabian Horse World magazine in l992
This poem was a huge hit!! The poem was written by Patty Barnhart. I found Patty and learned more about her.....
And while the Poem is incredible, w
Patty and her husband Keith moved to their present location, Lakeview Oregon, in the fall of 1996. It was their intention from the beginning to make their 2500+ spread into a guest ranch. They swung open their gate for clients a few short years later.
The ranch is surrounded on three sides by public land which makes the riding pretty much unlimited and guests can bring their own horses and po
The ranch has a high volume of repeat clients that Patty and Keith think of as friends. They love to sit around the campfire with them, eating Keith's good Dutch oven fare, and thinking about what the day has presented.
When Patty and Keith moved to Lakeview, they realized there was no commercial electricity and that they would have to generate their own. There was a small existing array of solar panels, which they relied on for several years. They eventually put in an up-dated system, a wind generator. They have a propane generator when there is neither wind nor sunshine, which is not often!
Their cabins are outfitted with propane fireplaces and hot water heaters for creature comfort and LED lanterns for use after sundown. The guests love it!
Patty says..."I think we all have a sense of getting in touch with our "inner pioneer"! "
Almost all the guests ask about Patty and Keith living "off the grid" and Keith is happy to give the green energy tour.
Their guest season begins in April as a Bed & Breakfast, then midway through May they offer horse-back riding and outdoor dinners. This continues through September when they put the outdoor activities on hold until spring, but they offer the ranch experience as a Bed & Breakfast for the month of October.
If you want a true "Old West Cowboy Experience" with a "green" twist, visit this ranch!!!! And while you are there tell Patty how much you love her Poem!!!!!!
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Free Shipping for the Holidays from Buckaroo Leather
Starting Today, December 1st and running thru December 15th you can receive FREE SHIPPING on all standard shipping in the USA only at Buckaroo Leather.
This is your chance to pick up your favorite piece of leather western horse tack from Buckaroo Leather for the holidays!!!
Purchase that leather breast collar you have been wanting or a mohair cinch. How about the ultimate hybrid sidepull with iron ring snaffle bit or any one of our new American made bits, snaffle bits and spurs from Sliester of California.
Buckaroo Leather is proud to manufacturer quality leather western horse tack in America for over 30 years.
Support your local businesses this Holiday season........Buy American.........Ride American.......
100% Mohair Cutter Cinch C693
Ultimate Hybrid Sidepull w/snaffle
This sidepull is Hermann Oak quality 5/8" Harness leather or Black Latigo. This Sidepull is regular horse size and flat leather nose. The hybrid model comes with a removable 5" sweet iron ring snaffle bit. The sidepull is double & stitched with soft chap lining; hand edged, rubbed and oiled for a soft supple feel. You have the option to replace the snaffle bit with your own style bit.
The hybrid sidepull pictured here is without the throat latch. Some riders like to ride in the arena and the pen without the throat latch. We offer an adjustable throat latch option for more security on the trail. It features a chin strap and additional jowel strap for more stability. It is finished with high quality flat stainless steel rings and buckles. Standard with double cheek buckle adjustments.
This hybrid sidepull is a great addition to your western horse tack equipment. This hybrid model is highly recommended by Trainer, Farah DeJohnette.
AAA Grade USA Made Spurs
These spurs are from Sliester of California. They are available in Stainless Steel or Iron (iron will turn rich red/rust color). Options are 3/4" band width with 2" shank. Available in Mens or Ladies sizes.
Rowels available in Blunt 5 point rowel or 9 point rowel.
AAA Grade USA Made Ring Snaffles
These Snaffle Bits have Rings that are 3" stainless steel plain #53 or engraved #50 . Standard mouth width is 5". Large horse and Mule 5 1/2" or 6". Small Horse 4 3/4"
Mouth piece metal options are-
Smooth mouth #08 in Copper or Sweet Iron.
Twisted wire #00 in Copper or Sweet Iron.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving from Buckaroo Leather.....
What will be on your Thanksgiving table??? Turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, cranberries......
The first Thanksgiving had quite a different a menu. The table was filled with native fruits, like plums, melons, grapes, and cranberries. There were also local vegetables such as leeks, wild onions, beans, Jerusalem artichokes and squash.
The main dishes included native birds and game as well as five deer. There were also fish and shellfish on the table.
Although our food for Thanksgiving dinner varies from the first dinner, the feelings of thankfulness, family, and freedom are still with us today.
Here is a story of one Thanksgiving from the 1800's of a settlers reasons for being thankful:
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Spurs, Bits, Snaffle Bits Made in USA by Sliester of California
Buckaroo Leather is honored to offer USA Made Spurs, Bits and Snaffle Bits from Sliester of California.
Their Spurs and Bits are Cowboy made since 1954. Sliester is proud to have over 50 years of continuous USA production in the Equine Industry. Their spurs and bits are hand crafted in the old California tradition.
Sliester is a progressive company that maintains quality as a tradition, and improvement as a continuing goal. Their contact with leading trainers and horsemen has given them a chance to provide what the professionals want -- quality, serviceability and dependability. Being a family owned and operated corporation like Buckaroo Leather, insures that each Sliester product is free of defects and comes with a 100% guarantee.
AAA Grade USA Made Spurs
Spurs are available in Stainless Steel or Iron (iron will turn rich red/rust color).
Options are 3/4" band width with 2" shank, SL12 shank is with chap guard and SL13 is without chap guard (plain shank).
Available in Mens or Ladies sizes.
Rowels available as pictured- top spur Blunt 5 point rowel or bottom spur 9 point rowel.
Sliester Bits feature the "SQUARE PIN." This keeps the cheek pieces from turning and pinching the horse's mouth, yet allows all the action required in a loose jawed bit.
The special alloyed metal from which the mouthpieces are made is the result of extensive metallurgical research. This special alloy creates a reaction within the horse's mouth that helps prevent dry mouth, thus reducing fatigue.
AAA Grade USA Made Ring Snaffles
Snaffle Rings are 3" stainless steel plain #53 or engraved #50 (bottom picture), Standard mouth width is 5". The snaffle rings are available in Large horse or Mule 5 1/2" or 6" and Small Horse 4 3/4"
Snaffle Mouth piece metal options are Smooth mouth #08 in Copper or Sweet Iron and Twisted wire #00 in Copper or Sweet Iron.
AAA Grade USA Made (Mechanical) Hackamore
This mechanical hackamore is standard with quality double sewn oiled leather noseband.
Cheek options are standard length 9" aluminum or stainless steel. Or 7" (Shorty) stainless steel.
This mechanical hackamore is available in regular horse size, Large Horse size, Mule size, small horse sizes, cob and Arabian horse sizes.
AAA Grade USA Made Bits
Sliester Bits are 8 1/2" Stainless Steel Cheeks- Plain #22 (top picture), Engraved #28 (bottom picture).
Standard Regular Horse mouth width is 5". Large Horse, Mule, and small Draft horse sizes 5 1/2" or 6". Available in larger Draft sizes, please call 530-545-0139. Click here to see all 13 mouth pieces to select from.
AAA Grade USA Made Shank Snaffle Bits
The shank snaffle bits have 5 1/2" Stainless Steel Cheeks. The mouth is a Standard width of 5". Available in Large horse and Mule sizes 5 1/2" or 6". Click here to see all 5 mouth piece options.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable Quality
American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Watch Mounted Shooting Champ Denny Chapman in Action Using Buckaroo Leather Horse Tack
Watch Mounted Shooting Champion Denny Chapman in action winning High Overall and best rifle American in his Buckaroo Leather Horse Tack.....Amazing shooting Denny!!!!!
At Buckaroo Leather we are very proud to have Mounted Shooting Champion DENNY CHAPMAN using and endorsing our quality Western Leather Horse Tack........
Denny is a Wild West entertainer and stuntman, horse trainer, professional mounted shooting competitor and clinician. Denny also does TV/video hosting, commercial work, event announcing, and he is the host of the Mounted Shooting Talk RadioGo to Denny Chapman facebook fan page to check out his newest endeavors and events......
Horse Tack from Buckaroo Leather
Buckaroo Leather is proud to have Denny Chapman endorse our western tack and work with us to develop the new Denny Chapman Signature Leather Horse Tack Line.
This new line includes a Breast Collar, Headstall, and a Martingale Style Breast Collar. These pieces of horse tack were made to match Denny's signature horse saddle (see pic here).
Denny Chapman Signature Breast Collar
This Denny Chapman Signature Breast Collar is Hand crafted from the finest quality Hermann Oak Leather. The quality leather is a Hand Basket Tooled design. The width is 2 1/2" with a shaped body and 1" saddle tugs. This Western Breast Collar has a soft chap lining with Stainless steel Hardware and is double and stitched. Properly cared for and maintained this Breast Collar will have many years of superior performance. This Leather Roper Breast Collar is for the Mounted Shooting competitor who wants a quality performing leather but does not want to sacrifice beauty.
Denny Chapman Signature Headstall
This is Spanky, Denny's trusted mount, sporting Buckaroo's headstall. This Denny Chapman Signature Headstall is Hand basket stamped and crafted from the finest Hermann Oak Golden Bridle leather. This 3/4" Buckaroo Old West Style Headstall features scalloped cheeks with easy change buckles at bit connection with decorative stitching and all stainless buckles and conchas. Available in regular horse size and Large Horse/Mule.
Denny Chapman Signature
Martingale Style Breast Collar
This Denny Chapman Signature Breast Collar is Hand crafted from the finest Hermann Oak Golden Bridle leather, this Old Martingale style shaped breast collar features an over the shoulder fit for a better pulling position. Also featured is the adjustable OVER Neck strap and billets. The breast collar is hand basket stamped, edged, rubbed and finished with soft chap lining and top quality STAINLESS hardware. For mounted shooting, the hand craftsmanship and attention to detail will make you proud to use this breast collar on your favorite horse.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality.American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Travelin Buckaroo Leather Roadshow featuring the new AAA Wade Saddle
A video of Buckaroo John and the Travelin' Buckaroo Roadshow at the WSRRA Finals and "Buckaroo Christmas" gear and trade show in Winnemuccca, Nevada this weekend, November 4-6th
Featured in the video is Buckaroo John and all your favorite quality western leather horse tack from Buckaroo Leather. Including the new AAA Wade Buckaroo Ranch Saddle, the Cinch up for the Cure" pink cinch, leather headstalls, mecate reins, and more.
If you are in the area stop by and say hi to Buckaroo John and see in person the new AAA Wade saddle and see the quality American craftsmanship of Buckaroo Leather.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Monday, October 24, 2011
Review of the Get Down Rope with Bosal By TnT Ranch
Tom and Traci Davis own and operate TnT Ranch in Texas. They recently wrote a "glowing" review of Buckaroo Leather's Git Down Rope with Bosal and Hanger.
Below is their review and more information about their ranch, training and blog. I encourage you to follow them on facebook, twitter and visit their blog and YouTube videos for training techniques.
Tom is an excellent trainer and clinician! Tom takes horsemanship extremely serious and wants only the best for horse and rider! Tom has 20+ yrs experience and knows horses. He offers Private Lessons, clinics and full care training for your horse.
To learn Tom’s quiet methods of starting colts, and have hands on experience with Tom demonstrating and coaching you along the way. Book Tom to come to your facility or sign up for a clinic here at TnT Ranch. Tom will guide you and your group in the ways that have worked for him for years.
Interested or need more info – email or call 254-433-0806
Traci Davis is a wife, mother, author, brokers horses, fitness team organizer, multitasking extraordinaire. TnT Ranch has AQHA/APHA horses of all types for all riders for sale, they will match you with the horse that is right. If you have one to buy or sell please contact them! They can find you a new one maybe help sell the old one!!
Are you looking for quality tack and leather products? Well Buckaroo leather let us try a great product that they offer and wow – we really liked it! Tom put the Git Down Rope w/Bosal & Hanger to work! This is a great product and very usable.
Buckaroo leather offers quality tack at good pricing. This Bosal and mecate is a very well crafted. Tom has used it with everyday riding and also was able to use it during a ranch rodeo and one of his horsemanship clinics. The small bosal is great for leading and tying your bridle horse so to not put undo pressure on your horses mouth.........John will treat you right and sell you quality tack and leather items for your horse.
Most anyone can find Tack to meet their particular demands on this website! Yet, for the rider who has needs for measurements, alterations or changes to bring their ideas to perfection, Buckaroo leather, has skilled craftsmen to meet their demands.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
New Custom Made Wade Buckaroo Ranch Saddle

Buckaroo Leather is proud to introduce our hand bench made Wade Post saddle. We have been working on this for awhile now with a saddle maker with over 25 years experience in saddle design, custom fitting of horse and rider, hand tooling, carving and construction!

The Wade Buckaroo Ranch saddle is hand crafted from premuim Hermann Oak leather. This buckaroo ranch saddle was made with the working cowboys/cowgirls and western riders in mind.
Click here to read more specifics about the Wade Buckaroo Ranch Saddle.
Here are your options:
1) AS PICTURED- The swells, back jockeys and half-covered stirrups are stamped with a traditional geometric box stamp giving it a traditional “waffle” look. And the rest of the saddle is Rough Out with a “wavy river" border stamp around edges; it has a look similar to a rope design.
2) All Rough Out.
3) All Smooth out (grain out).
The wade buckaroo style saddle has always been a favorite of old west cowboys, but recently these slick fork style saddles have gained popularity in western riding.
A wade tree saddle is a slick fork type saddle. This slick fork or buckaroo style of saddle is primarily used for working long hours in the saddle while tending to cattle and livestock.The "Slick fork" (or A-fork) refers to the shape of the saddle's fork, the part at the front of the sadddle tree that joins the bars together and provides a base for the horn. The fork on a slick fork saddle is generally only 8 to 10 inches wide with the sides of the fork sloping straight up to the outside of the horn.
There are many styles of forks, but the slick fork in a buckaroo style wade saddle is what makes this saddle a cowboy/cowgirls and western riders dream. The slick fork style allows the front of the saddle to be open, which provides more comfort for long rides and freedom of movement for ranch work.

Sits exceptionally low and close to the horse giving the horse better leverage when holding roped livestock.
short, stout horn built for dallying. Wood post horn (not metal) that is part of the laminated layers that create the fork. This construction allows the gullet area to be scooped out without sacrificing strength, and allows the saddle to sit lower on the horse.

The bars of the tree have more surface area in contact with the horse's back than most other western trees, providing better weight distribution.
Deep seat designed for comfort and security for long hours in the saddle.
Stirrups are hung directly under the rider, placing the rider in the optimal balanced riding position.
Double rigging
Traditionally flat plate rigging, but in-skirt is becoming more popular
Higher cantle
Clifford Wade, whose family came west on the Oregon Trail, had a saddle, made by an unknown maker, that his dad brought with him from the east. Tom Dorrance, who lived in Wallowa County, Oregon, cowboyed with Clifford and admired Clifford’s livestock handling ability and the saddle Clifford rode that he had inherited from his dad.

According to Dale Harwood, (pictured here) noted Idaho saddle maker, in 1939, Tom Dorrance took Clifford’s saddle to Hamley & Company Saddle Shop in Pendleton, Oregon. He had a new saddle made on a saddle tree copied from the tree in Clifford’s old saddle.
In 1940, Tom Dorrance was not satisfied with the fit of this saddle. He went back to Hamley’s and worked with Walt Youngman, head tree maker at Hamley’s, and they made some modifications in the saddle tree. At that time, Hamley’s made both saddle trees and saddles at their shop. Dorrance continued riding this improved saddle throughout his long career as the premier horse psychologist.
Hamley’s made more of these trees that Tom Dorrance and Walt Youngman had designed. They wanted to call them Dorrance trees, but Tom wanted the tree named after Clifford Wade from whom they had copied the original. Hamley & Company made a few saddles on the Wade trees. They were mostly scattered around northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho, but had limited popularity.
In 1961, Dale Harwood opened a saddle shop in southern Idaho. Harwood had buckarooed on ranches all over northern Nevada and Oregon. He started making saddles for working buckaroos.
In 1962, Ray Hunt had Dale Harwood build him a saddle on a Wade tree. Harwood credits Ray Hunt with popularizing the Wade style of saddle by riding one in the many horse clinics Hunt conducted throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas.
Own a piece of history with this hard working Wade Buckaroo Ranch Saddle and With the name Buckaroo Leather on your saddle and tack,you know there is no higher guarantee of quality and workmanship. It represents an organization proud of its establishment in 1979, and ever since catering to horseman and women with two generations of experience and knowledge applied in the making of riding equipment to the most exacting standards. And rest assured you will receive the most value for your money spent.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to DemandVisit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Thursday, October 13, 2011
A Cowgirls Sport, the Barrel Race a Rodeo Event.
A popular cowgirl sport is the barrel race. This rodeo event is where the horse and rider attempt to complete a clover leaf pattern around set barrels in the fastest time. the barrel race combines the horse's athletic ability and the horsemanship skills of a rider in order to safely and successfully maneuver a horse through the pattern.
Though both cowboys and cowgirls compete at the youth level, and men compete in some amateur venues, in collegiate and professional ranks, it is primarily a rodeo event for cowgirls.
In the 1900's when the women began to compete in the rodeo's they excelled at horse racing, trick riding and relay. Their weight was an advantage and, due to their gentler nature, the females seemed to have a closer kinship with the horses.
Gail Hughbanks Woerner wrote an in depth history of barrel racing. Her history begins with Faye Blackstone, a trick rider in the 1930's. Read the story below.......
"Faye Blackstone began her trick riding career in the 1930s, but when specialty acts began being replaced Faye turned her great horsemanship talents to barrel racing. She and a few other cowgirls began the barrel racing event in Florida in 1950.
Dixie Reger Mosley began her rodeo career at age 51/2 years old, trick riding on a Shetland pony. Growing up in a rodeo family gave her many varied opportunities, including some rodeo clowning. When the Girl's Rodeo Association (GRA) began in 1948, which turned in to the Women's Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) in 1981, Dixie was the bullfighter, rodeo clown, and competed in most events, except bull riding. She saw barrel racing evolve through the GRA organization to become an event for women that today offers purses that compete with the Professional Rodeo Cowboy's Association (PRCA) event purses".
To read more of this Barrel Race history and cowgirls in rodeo click here......
Barrel racing is a sport that demands skills and a strong bond between horse and rider to successfully compete as a team. Strong horsemanship and communication comes with team work and horse and rider trusting each other. To further the communication between horse and rider you need the right barrel race horse tack.
Buckaroo Leather manufactures quality leather horse tack for all skill levels, pleasure riding, training, and rodeo competitions.
For Barrel Racing this headstall and barrel reins are just what a cowgirl needs for effective communication......
Gag/Snaffle Old Visalia Headstall
Old west Visalia look Leather Headstall is made with Genuine Hermann Oak Golden Bridle, oiled to a medium Honey color as pictured or Black, then rubbed from the finest heavy weight stitched leather for a smooth, rich, "broke in" feel. Made special with short cheeks to fit GAG bits properly! It is hand carved in the old Visalia designs, Wild Weeds or Old Basket stamp. This Headstall is a Double ear style. Pictured in 1" width for the wide old tyme Visalia look but can be ordered in 3/4". Has easy change 5/8" Buckles at the bit ends and has all engraved Stainless Steel buckles. Available in Regular horse, Large horse/mule and Draft.
Laced Barrel Gaming Rein LR2863
Harness Leather western Reins made in AMERICA! Made from premium Hermann Oak Harness leather for a smooth, rich, "broke in" feel. The Reins are 3/4" -8" adjustable. There are Nickel Plate scissor snaps and Rawhide loops on these Quality Leather Barrel/Trail Reins. They have soft Chap lacing across the hand hold for a graduated grip and feel. Great for performance events and trail riders.
To read more about barrel racing horse tack click here.......
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cinch Pink for the Cure by Buckaroo Leather Products
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Buckaroo Leather has started "Cinch up for the Cure" horse tack for breast cancer awareness.
For every Buckaroo Leather Mohair Cinch purchased, Buckaroo Leather will donate $20 to Susan G Komen for the Cure, Boise Affiliate.
The inspiration for this unique piece of horse tack came from Traditional Mohair Cinchas (the artisans who created the cinches) This unique piece of traditional western horse tack came from a customer, a Breast Cancer survivor. It was a special gift to herself, a reminder, of her second anniversary of recovery.
Buckaroo Leather offers the traditional Buckaroo Vaquero Cincha (pic on the left) and the Buckaroo Cowboy Cincha (pic on the right). The cinchas are hand woven with care one thread at a time by Traditional Mohair Cinchas. Each cinch has custom colors and the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon.
The mohair cinchas have the colors, pink for breast cancer, white for purity and black to honor those who have lost the battle. "It's great to be able to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. Not only are our pink cinches promoting health for women, they are also helping horses these women ride, be more comfortable." - Val Littfin (owner Traditional Mohair Cinchas)
"The Vaquero cincha with the pink ribbon is an ever vigilant symbol of victory over breast cancer and a reminder that early detection of breast cancer saves lives".- Vicki Geretschlaeger (owner Traditional Mohair Cinchas)
Buckaroo Leather has also created a special facebook page for Cinch Pink for the Cure. The page is dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness, survivors, loved ones, and cowgirls who want to support breast cancer awareness. Click the link below and like the page and pass along to all your cowgirl friends who also want to support Breast Cancer Awareness.
Also go to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Boise Affiliate website to view the Cinch up for the Cure event and information, health tips and more.
If you have a loved one, friend, or are a breast cancer survivor yourself, and are a horse enthusiast, help Buckaroo Leather and Traditional Mohair Cinchas raise awareness and hope.........
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Natural Training with Farah DeJohnette and Bridleless riding with Liberty Reins
A How to Video by Natural Horsemanship Trainer Farah DeJohnette on how to use Liberty Reins from Buckaroo Leather. Watch this very instructional video and see how with extensive training and dedication your horse can be bridleless.
"Just got my new Liberty reins from Buckaroo Leather. This is my first time trying out the two different styles. Half yacht rope and leather and all leather. It was fun as always and the horses were AWESOME!"- Farah DeJohnette
Liberty Yacht Rope Rein
The Buckaroo Bridleless Neck Yacht Rope Rein Liberty Collar (Cordero) allows you to train your horse to ride without a bridle. Great for relief from the bit! This collar is made from premium Hermann Oak Harness leather for a smooth, rich, "broke in" feel. The rein upper hand part is 5/8" wide and bottom neck part is 5/8" marine/yacht with just the correct weight. It is very adjustable to fit most any horse. Longest at 79" to shortest at 55". Choice of Plain working Harness (pictured) or Black Leather.
Bridleless Neck Rein Tack Collar
The Buckaroo Bridleless Neck Rein Tack Collar allows you to train your horse to ride without a bridle. Great for relief from the bit! This collar is made from premium Hermann Oak Harness leather for a smooth, rich, "broke in" feel. The rein upper hand part is 5/8" wide and bottom neck part is 1 1/4" wide with just the correct weight. It is very adjustable to fit most any horse. Longest at 79" to shortest at 55". Has studs or no studs on the inside of the collar that kindly encourage your horse to neck rein, turn and stop. They are soft blunt end copper studs, 3 lengths available. OR plain smooth lining or extra soft chap rolled lining. Horses do require extensive training before the Buckaroo Bridleless Rein Tack Collar should be used alone. Choice of Plain working or with engraved antique silver conchas.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the
Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
Visit Our Unique Store Today
Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
For the Love of Horses......
Horse owners all have their different reasons for why they love their horse. Horses make them laugh, lifts their spirits on bad days, teach them important life lessons and give their love unconditionally.
On Buckaroo Leather Facebook Fan page we often receive photos from our fans/horse owners of just these moments.
I have picked out just a few of the photos to share here........the photo below was posted by Amanda C. W. her horse Banner.

Buckaroo Leather appreciates all the horse owners who have posted these photos and we encourage you to post your horse here
Remember too that Buckaroo Leather is having a contest where you could win a $250 gift certificate to Buckaroo Leather. Here is the contest information and prizes.
Exciting contest to let our fans help us grow our page to 10,000 fan milestone.
-We are asking YOU to post a comment on the Buckaroo Leather fan page wall about what YOU feel the strengths of Buckaroo Leather.
-Then ask YOUR HORSE friends to come to the Buckaroo Leather Facebook Fan page, "LIKE IT" and leave a comment on YOUR POST on the fan page wall.
Of course that NEW friend can also leave a post and ask their friends to comment and on and on......
We will choose three of our loyal FANS with the most NEW friends commenting on their post as our Winners.
All amounts are for a Buckaroo Leather Gift Certificate
1st Place $250.00
2nd Place $150.00
3rd Place $75.00
Any questions on the details of the contest or any other horse tack questions please call me at 530-545-0139

first picture posted by Angela R. her horse Sassafrass
second posted by Caren M. her horse Journey
third posted by Eva B.
fourth this is Ket Chup!!!!!
fifth posted by Rae C.
sixth posted by Shannan M.W. her horse Lots Olena Playboy
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable
Quality American made leather horse tack.......Buckaroo John Brand
Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand
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