May 30th - June 2nd 2013
Santa Ynez. Ca
Light Hands Horsemanship is the brain child of these great horsemen, Dr. Robert M Miller, Eitan Beth-Halachmy (Cowboy Dressage), Lester Buckley, and Jon Ensign. This innovative concept and format in the teaching of horsemanship was born from horsemen and women asking these clinicians... “Ok, you have shown us how to start a young horse, now what?” or “This is great to see such an advanced horse but how do we get there?
Always listening to the needs of their horse public the four of them decided to form a group of horseman in a clinic setting that will take you from “Birth to the Advanced Horse.”
Each of these clinicians are unique and committed to their particular field of teaching and training. One of the things that they all have in common and will stress in their presentations, is the use and development of “LIGHTNESS.”
“LIGHTNESS” is their cornerstone, it is what all 9 clinicians strive for from their “first touch thru advanced training”. You will see “lightness” from the hand held touch of a lead line to the hand and rein communication of the advanced horse and rider.
Listen before speaking.
Observe before acting.
Empathize before judging.
Lead by example.
Look inward for answers.
Commit to lifelong learning and self-improvement.
From Dr. Robert Miller ....."The horse is one of the most perceptive , most reactive, most responsive, most aware, and fastest learners of all creatures. Why then has it been the subject of so much severity, the recipient of so much pain, the victim of overuse of tools such as the whip, the spur, and the bit?
If we learn the principles of teaching and scientifically correct means of communication with another species, then we can train horses with the LIGHTEST of stimuli, produced with our hands, our voice, our seat, our legs."
Along with the cornerstone clinicians this event will have our good friend horse trainers Richard Winters and Sarah Winters. Richard and Sarah will be presenting a colt starting demonstration with a beautiful young Andalusian. Sarah will be teaming up with legendary horseman Jack Brainard for an advanced horsemanship demonstration you won't want to miss.
Also in attendance will be trainers Jack Brainard, Sheila Varian, Mary Ann Kennedy, and Rick Lamb will be the MC.
This event is sponsored by Spalding Laboratory and is in its seventh year. This event always sells outs, if you are interested in this event I encourage you to visit the Light Hands Horsemanship website. You can check clinic schedules, clinic topics, learn more about the trainers and more. This event will also have good old fashioned camp fire stories, a Santa Maria Barbecue and vendors, like Buckaroo Leather.

Buckaroo Leather will be there all through out the event with our quality leather horse tack on display to touch, smell and see the quality craftsmanship up close. We look forward to being apart of this event and look forward to see you all there!
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