So here is a list of fellow horse riders, trainers and all around cowboys and cowgirls.......Ride American!
Todd Daniel Horsemanship
Todd Daniel Horsemanship is located in Cottageville, South Carolina. Todd has spent 30 plus years around horses and the last 9 years full time. He rides approximately 250 days per year! His goal is to strive each day to become a better horseman.
Todd believes horsemanship is not just about training and teaching a horse it is also teaching the owner the foundations so that they can continue to work and build on the foundation of the horse. With this process the ability to go back to the basic if a problem arises make it much easier on the horse and the owner.
Services Provided by Todd are:
Colt Starting
Problem Horses
Basic Horse Tune-Up
Clinic for Youth
Trailing & Event Clinics
Barrel Racing
Visit the Todd Daniel Horsemanship website and follow him on facebook!
Mark Rashid Horse Training

Mark Rashid Horse Training is located in Estes Park, Co. Mark Rashid (pronounced RASH-id) is an internationally acclaimed horse trainer known for his ability to understand the horse’s point of view and solve difficult problems with communication rather than force. He began working with horses at age ten, when he met the “old man,” who taught him to work with horses, not against them, and to listen to what the horse is trying to say. Mark’s clinics center on one-on-one work with horse and rider and are immensely popular with people around the world.
When Mark decided to study the martial art of aikido as a way to improve his horsemanship, he brought the same quiet determination to it that he exhibits in his work with horses. After years of practice, he has earned a second degree black belt in Yoshinkan aikido and now teaches the “way of harmony” in the local dojo.
Mark worked full time on ranches for many years gathering herds, managing stock, and training horses. When time permits, he still enjoys working on ranches near his home in Estes Park, Colorado.
Buckaroo Leather attended a (pictured below) Considering the Horse clinic by Mark Rashid in Ione, CA a few months back. Buckaroo Leather witnessed some great horsemanship and also some of our Western horse tack in action!
If you are interested in Mark’s Clinic, please visit his website. Here is a list of his current dates-
Sept. 17-19 Blue Lake, CA
Sept. 21-23 Blue Lake, CA
Sept. 26-28 Sebastopol, CA
Clinic Formats-
Format 1 – One-on-One

Format 3 – Half-day Group sessions
Weeklong Clinics
Aikido for Horsemen Workshop
Follow mark on Facebook and learn more about Mark and his clinics by visiting his website.
Amy Allen - Horsemanship and Barefoot Trimming
Amy Allen is an experienced horse trainer/riding instructor in Shelton, WA, who specializes in unbroke and problem horses and working with students who are afraid or have been through a traumatic experience.
She also is a barefoot horse trimmer. Amy’s journey into barefoot trimming started
Amy began researching the barefoot trim method. She educated herself by attending clinics, reading all sorts of material and practicing on her own horses. Barefoot trimming is not just about the horse's foot. It's about the body as a whole, their nutrition and their living environment.
I came across her on Facebook and was intrigued and impressed with her horse training/barefoot trimming. I encourage you to visit her website and become a fan on facebook. She also is a monthly contributor for the Buckaroo Leather Newsletter.
Frank Bell-Horse Whisperer
SAFE and SIMPLE typify Frank Bell’s approach to Natural Horsemanship. His horse training techniques embrace gentle handling with advanced communication. Frank’s methods are being taught by his certified partners and mastered by horse people worldwide.
Frank’s unique 7-Step Safety System is truly placing the horse and rider on higher ground as they do indeed "Discover Horses They Never Knew."
The Natural Horsemanship Movement embodies a revolution in horse-handling techniques that gained momentum as the last century came to a close. Today horsemen and women are rapidly embracing this evolved movement. No trainer has made this revolutionary philosophy more accessible than Frank Bell.
What makes Bell’s approach so different? He has single-handily taken the mystery out of the natural horsemanship movement and created a logical set of exercises that put a solid foundation underneath the horse and rider. Most importantly, it is easy to understand and implement immediately, and you do not need a round pen!
Visit Fran Bells website to learn more about his natural horsemanship and training. Follow him on facebook and subscribe to his blog.
Steve Lantvit Horsemanship-Highgrove Farm Inc.
10257 N. Manna Lane, LaPorte, Indiana, 46350
Steve Lantvit is a full-time Equine Clinician, Trainer and Instructor whose goal is to contribute to the betterment of the relationships between man/woman and horse. His background started from English disciplines such as polo and jumping and has expanded greatly over nearly 2 decades to include the western disciplines. With a wide array of experiences across both disciplines, his focus on training is that of all around horsemanship and the creation of the versatile horse.
Steve is a CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) instructor with a level 4 (of 4) in Western and a 3 (of 4) in English. His certification is a validation that his knowledge and ability as an instructor has been proven against a respected standard, under independent evaluation. His certification attests that he is committed to professional standards and that his teaching methods are proven to be safe, knowledgeable and effective.
Steve's Training includes:
Colt Starting, problem solving, or fine-tuning a seasoned horse of all breeds and disciplines
To learn about Steve and his training visit his website and subscribe to his new blog. Also follow him on facebook.
Jerry Tindell
Buckaroo Leather is proud to be working with Jerry Tindell's Horse and Mule School. Jerry will be working with us to design and improve on many of our large horse and mule tack styles.We are proud to be working with Jerry and are excited by his expertise and enthusiasm.

Tindell's Horse and Mule School offers private training to committed people who would benefit from our assistance when they have neither the time nor the skills required to reach their desired goals with their stock.
Their training program assists both the animal and owner with achieving expected results in a safe and effective manner. The range of training offered includes starting a young or green-broke horse or mule, re-training and problem solving for stock that have developed undesirable behaviors.
Jerry's emphasis is establishing a solid foundation; making sure the animal understands and can comfortably perform the basic principles of soft, flexible movement, while also developing good manners. This program is strongly recommended for all aspects of handling, including riding, packing and driving. It is equally suitable to English or Western riding traditions.
Jerry Tindell's training process is based on 6 steps of control. These 6 steps are identified, used and taught in three stages: round pen, ground work and riding. It is highly recommended that the owner become familiar with these 6 steps during the course of the animal's training. They are the beginning, middle and end of creating and maintaining a willing equine partner. Most behavior issues include a weakness in at least one of these steps, and can be fixed to a great extent by training the horse to be better at them.
Visit Jerry Tindell's website and follow him on facebook.
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