Buckaroo Leather is very excited to have these great new products featured in Today's Horse Trader Magazine- click on the link to read the article! Thank you to Horse Trader!
Check it out: The Versatile Buckaroo Sidepull
Check it out: The Versatile Buckaroo Sidepull
Buckaroo Leather, due to popular demand, has added two new pieces of western horse tack equipment. They are the Hybrid model Sidepull bridle and the Alpaca Hackamore with a Fiador.
The Hybrid model Sidepull bridle has a removable snaffle bit, which gives you, the rider, lots of options to use any of your favorite snaffles.
Ultimate Hybrid Sidepull w/snaffle

Hermann Oak quality 5/8" Harness leather Sidepull regular horse size, flat leather nose, hybrid model comes with a removable 5" sweet iron ring snaffle, with double & stitched with soft chap lining; hand edged, rubbed and oiled for a soft supple feel. You have the option to replace the snaffle with your own style. It is pictured without the throat latch, as some like to ride in the arena and round pen without. We offer an adjustable throat latch option below for more security on the horse trail. It features a chin strap and additional jowel strap for more stability. It is finished with high quality flat stainless steel rings and buckles. Standard with double cheek buckle adjustments. This is a great addition to your western horse tack equipment. This hybrid leather Sidepull model is highly recommended by Horse Trainer, Farah DeJohnette.
Watch Farah's How to Video to see how to properly fit the leather Sidepull.
Thanks to YOU our customers, 100% Alpaca Mecates, roping/trail & split reins have become our best sellers due to their natural feel & communication.
This Alpaca Hackamore has a 100% Alpaca Mecate Rein, with Alpaca fibers that were grown in the USA.
Alpaca Hackamore w/Fiador Set
Complete Hackamore Set includes an all natural color beautifully hand braided 12 plait 5/8" Vaquero style, All rawhide core (no cable core) natural rawhide bosal w/ Hermann Oak harness leather 5/8" headstall and Fiador (throat latch) w ith hand twisted 23' 100% Alpaca Mecate Rein. The Alpaca fibers used in these Mecates in grown on a family ranch in South East Colorado. The Alpacas are shorn each year and the fibers are processed in the U.S. Each piece is hand made by these artists to ensure the quality and craftsmanship of each Mecate. These Mecates offer the Best Feel & Communication between you and your Horse....Bar None!
Thanks to our customers, and the ever growing interest in the Western Horse tack and traditional Vaquero influences, we have created these exciting new pieces of horse tack.
Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable Quality
American made leather horse tack.......
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