Rawhide, a Brief History

Rawhide is the hide of an animal that has been kept it is natural state and not treated. Leather is the hide of an animal that been altered by a special "pickling" process called "tanning." After the tanning process is completed the hide is termed "tanned." The look and feel of leather is different than the look and feel of rawhide, and its strength and utility properties are different than those of rawhide.
Most rawhide originated from the skin of buffalo, deer, elk or cattle. It is prepared by removing all fur, meat and fat. The hide is then usually stretched over a frame before being dried. The resulting material is hard and translucent. It can be shaped by rewetting and forming before being allowed to thoroughly re-dry. It can be rendered more pliable by bending repeatedly in multiple directions. This happened by rubbing it over a post and even sometimes using a traditional method of chewing. It may also be oiled or greased for a degree of waterproofing.
Rawhide was one of the most useful products of the pioneer cattleman. From it he made ropes, hobbles, clotheslines, bedsprings, seats for chairs, overcoats, trousers, and shirts. It patched saddles and shoes, strips of it bound loose wagon tires or lashed together pieces of broken wagon tongue, as well as substituting for nails and many other things. Indians made drum heads, and shield covers. It was so tough it became known as Mexican iron. The Vaqueros used this "Mexican Iron" for their horse tack because of its durability.
The Vaqueros used many types of fancy braided rawhide horse equipment during their daily activities. It was common to see vaqueros using braided rawhide headstalls, bridle reins with , Romals, riatas, hobbles, Quirts, hackamores and bosals, and other types of horse gear. The vaquero took special pride in having good quality braided rawhide equipment and a well-trained horse.
Buckaroo Leather carries the traditional Vaquero Rawhide Romals,

Rawhide Romal Rein (pictured right)
These are the finest 12 plait Braiding we have found! Hand Braided in the Old Traditional California Style Buttons. Each Natural Rawhide strand is beveled on both sides for a smooth, comfortable feel on the reins and romal. The popper is hand basket stamped and braided. The rein portion is the traditional full 52" long.
Rawhide Romel Rein w/rein chains (pictured right)
These are the finest 12 plait Braiding we have found! Hand Braided in the Old Traditional California Style Buttons. Each Natural Rawhide strand is beveled on both sides for a smooth, comfortable feel on the reins and romal. The popper is hand basket stamped and braided. The rein portion is 42" long with rein chain making them the traditional 52" long. The Traditional rein chains are so slobber and water will not ruin the bit ends.
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American made leather horse tack.......
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