Weighted Split Reins are becoming popular again as
horseman and women realize how important quality
American made Harness Leather weighted split reins
are for the perfect drape and communication
from the bit to your hands....
Also the weight helps your horse set their head....
The communication from your hands to the bit is
enhanced only in quality leather because the signals
travel so much better in dense supple leather...
Inferior imported leather is flighty, uncomfortable
and has no life or body..
The heavier weight is also desired at the end sothe rein hangs down and is not flighty in the air...
Our family has been dedicated for 28 years in serving
the Western Horseman the safest most durable Quality
American made western leather horse tack.......
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no one ever has enough maintenance tips.. thanks for sharing!
Nice and a great post. I really like it. Keep it up.
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