Running Martingales are used to teach your horse to set their head in a collected tucked position allowing them to make better balanced performance moves. And they look their best in the competitive show ring.
Your reins run through the rings creating a leverage teaching them to set their head.
You want to use a good quality Martingale with lots of adjustments, as pictured, so you
can fit it properly. You have options of a full
running martingale, short or long martingale
fork, or a german martingale. The martingale
forks are a simple less expensive option.
Though you need a breast collar to connect the short fork to.
The German Martingale is becoming more popular
because it is the most versatile in that it has specific
reins that work together with the german martingale.
Our family has been dedicated for 28 years in serving the western horseman the safest most durable Quality American made leather horse tack.......
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