Sometimes in our daily lives and rush to find time to
ride we forget to check our tack for safety and durability...
Our family at Buckaroo Leather can not stress enough
how important it is to safety check all your tack before
every ride. More importantly if you are a parent teach your
children to make this a habit!
Beware of the inferior imported leather on the market today!!
You will get better life and durability out of American Made
Quality Horse Tack, and if taken proper care of,
hand down to your little buckaroos.....
Always keep in mind, the unbridled power of a horse
can be so explosive.
Our family has been dedicated for 28 years in serving
the western horseman the safest most durable Quality
American made leather horse tack
Buckaroo Leather The Brand to Demand
I just want you to be know that I love your product so very much... Being a loyal customer for some 20 plus years and working in the horse industry, I could have my choice. My choice is "Buckaroo Leather Products"
My favorite items are the Special Buckaroo reins and tie headstalls.
They are double and stiched and lined with a supple soft durable leather on one side and good quality Herman Oak Harness Leather.
Thanks for making my riding equipment with quality.
Being in the Horse Industry for over 25 years, I agree with you on the importance of good tack. Many injuries, horse & rider, may have been prevented if folks would just take a moment to check things before hand. Thanks for continuing to make great products for this lifestyle we all love.
-Ginger Baker
Yes, checking the condition of tack should be part of every rider's pre-ride routine. So often it's the small things that get overlooked, and those same small things that make a big difference. Even though my blog is English-discipline-focused, so many things in the horse-world are universal. Thanks for the good reminder. www.goodhorseperson.com
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