Thursday, April 11, 2013

Horsemen's Re-Union.....Authentic Western Horsemanship

In the Old West on the cattle ranches the cowboys would get together to start a bunch of colts to work on the ranch and herd the cattle. The cowboys used their years of experience and horsemanship skills to start these colts. Can you imagine taking part in that western horsemanship. 

Well now you can.....Come to the Horsemen's Re-Union and take part in six days of Real Authentic Western Horsemanship.

2nd Annual Horsemen's Re-Union
April 15-20 2013
Paso Robles, Ca
Paso Robles Event Center

The Horsemen's Re-Union brings the best horsemen in the world together to start quality colts in an open educational forum.

6 days, 20 Horsemen, 40 colts

In these six days you will be able to watch these talented horsemen from the US around the world turn 40 un-started horses into a group of young saddle horses, ready to do ranch work or other events. Some of the horsemen will also be exhibiting cow horse, cattle working, roping and ranch branding demonstrations at the event.


This horsemanship event was founded by Rowly and Cathie Twisselman, owners of the Madonna Inn Quarter Horses in Southern California and horsemanship clinicians, Chris Cox and Martin Black. 

Their vision of allowing the public to be apart of this amazing show of skill and horsemanship began a year ago and was a smashing success. This year's event will prove to be just as successful!

2013 Horsemen & Horsewomen

United States:

Martin Black
Wade Black
Chris Cox
Craig Cameron
Trevor Carter
Larry Mahan
Buster McLaury
Kyla Prunty Rianda
Ed Robertson
Thomas Saunders
Cathie Twisselman
Ty Van Norman


Ron Wall
Leah Read


Jonathan Field
Mike Sears


Shlomik Raziel


David Alonso


Juan A Vendrell


Antoine Cloux


All the horsemen and horsewoman have volunteered their time and talent for the event. They will not be judged or timed and no awards will be given.

Along with the amazing show of horsemanship their will be a Horsemen's & Sponsors Trade Show. Buckaroo Leather Products will be one of the participants at this trade show. Buckaroo Leather will be at this amazing event the whole week showcasing our quality leather horse tack. We will have all your favorite breast collars, headstalls, cinchas and our new popular Retro Headstalls.

In the evenings this event will even have an authentic cowboy chuck wagon cook off, cowboy poetry, and wine and beer tasting.

This amazing week concludes with a Grand Finale/Sale Preview and a Horsemen's Re-Union Horse Sale where many of the horses that these horsemen have started will be offered to the public at an auction. 

Come be apart of a week of authentic Western Horsemanship and hang out with Buckaroo John of Buckaroo Leather Products.

Follow the Horsemen's Re-Union on Facebook

Our family has been dedicated for 30 years in serving the Western Horseman the safest most durable Quality American made leather horse tack....... Buckaroo John Brand Buckaroo Leather, The Brand to Demand Visit Our Unique Store Today Buckaroo Leather Shopping Site

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