Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do Animals Talk on Christmas Eve?

On my Facebook Fan page I asked the question- "Do you do anything special with/for their horses on Christmas, a special riding spot, treat of present?"

I received great responses, including the legend of the animals talking on Christmas Eve.

The legend goes that if you go out to your barn at 12 midnight on Christmas Eve you will hear the animals speaking and praising the birth of Jesus.

When The Animals Talk By Rusty Calhoun

The story is told about the night
The Babe was born in the stable.
The animals gathered round the child
Admiring Him in the cradle.

Because they worshiped that little Babe,
And sang their praises to Him
God has granted them one night a year
They can talk with the seraphim.

Late at night, on Christmas Eve
In every stable and barn,
The critters gather in Jesus’ Name
Warm and safe from harm.

At the stroke of midnight, a miracle!
Lowing and braying takes form
As words of love and praise come forth
And the creatures voices transform

Into lovely, sweet, and comforting sounds
As they utter worshipful words
No one’s left out, there are sheep and elk
Coyotes, cougars and birds.

The angels sing and play their lutes,
The drummer boy thumps his drum.
The horses nicker an “Agnus Dei”
And all of the animals come.

To lend their voices in adoration
At the birth of the blessed child
And teach us gentle lessons
In tones both sweet and mild.

“O holy Night”, the mother ewe bleats
As she snuggles her little lamb,
While benediction is offered up
By a majestic curly horned ram.

Voices ring out from the top of the lofts,
Across the meadows and plains,
A chorus of joyful, Heavenly notes.
The Christ Child’s Glory proclaimed.

Other Christmas Animal Legends:

Cattle kneel on Christmas to worship baby Jesus

Indian lore believes that deer kneel on Christmas night and look at the sky in praise of the Great Spirit

An English legend holds to the belief that bees would gather on Christmas Eve to hum a hymn

Tabby cats were given the stamp of the letter "M" on their heads, as thanks from Mary for comforting baby Jesus after his birth.
Start a family tradition and give your horses and other barn yard animals a special treat on Christmas Eve and see if they "speak to you"!
Also read the book "The Animals’ Christmas Eve," a Little Golden Book, by Gale Wiersum and illustrated by Jim Robison. A great Christmas Eve book to read to your children.
Let us know your Christmas Traditions/Legends by posting a comment here or on the Buckaroo Leather Facebook Fan page.

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